Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Love Is Patient

Hey all,

I got this from my friend friend's blog. Its really encouraging =)

love is p a t i e n t

come think with me.

if you don’t know truth, you go around seeking truth, you end up getting hurt.
but even though you’ve found truth, and because you know truth, you hold on to truth, still it doesn’t take the excruciation away.

but all in all you know it is the best thing to do.


because love is patient.

no you have to read it again.

love is p a t i e n t.

it doesn’t begin with “love is kind” or etc.

it begins with patience.

why? because truth is, God knows in waiting we become more than gold.

so don’t go for it because you can’t stand it anymore…wait…because it is worth it.


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