Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TESTIMONIAL of a small miracle ! (Part 1)

*Test mikrofon, satu...dua....tiga...!*
"Yang berusaha Tuan Pengerusi Majlis, para hakim yang arif lagi bijaksana, cikgu-cikgu, murid-murid dan kawan-kawan yang saya kasihi ! Nama saya Er Win Lee. Hari ini, saya akan berkongsi tentang satu cerita yang sangat bermakna ! Oleh, kerana bahasa melayu saya terlalu lemah, biarlah saya bercerita dalam Bahasa Inggeris !"


(Above's quote can only be understood by Malaysians and Indonesians to an extend, Im sorry for those who dont understand).

Oh my goodness, its a long time since I last blogged. Oh well, my 2nd year 2nd semester has a Pharmacy Student in Curtin@Perth has started and its not very hectic yet because the school of Pharmacy still havta sort out student timetables and many more issues be4 they stress us out (especially during the end of semester where we havta hand up assignments and tons of tests)

All right, this semester the Curtin School of Pharmacy tried to be "too smart" by changing the way of how timetables are arranged for students. The original or classic way was arrange according to surname/family name which is so much easier and predictable (as in who will you be having same tutorials and labs with).
The "too smart" way that the school just did was the name list of students were randomised (only 2nd year students) and each person was assigned a number and they arranged my timetable according to number. Unfortunately, I was arranged in classes full of strangers and no friends at all ! Not even one I should say. There's only a few ppl that I knw in class but am not really close to them. All right, I was devastated but my consolation was my timetable looked pretty sweet (as in the time and breaks in between are not bad). Oh well, so yeah, probably is God's plan for me so I followed what was given and was pretty contented although am bit sad cuz having different classes with Trecia, Kathleen and Rachel and even Wayne and the JPA Chinese gang plus the Sarawak gang. Sigh. T.T

OK then, now the 2nd week has started and I just found out my tuesday timetable was weird. I had a
Biochemical Pharmacology Tutorial. I was allocated in the Tuesday's slot
(10am-12pm) (400.305)
and thats all for the day! I could hav swapped to the Monday's slot (10am-12pm) (400.249). Therefore, if I did it, my Tuesday would hav been free and what a special thing to hav a day off as a busy Pharmacy Student. Moreover, if I swapped to the Monday's class, I could hav Trecia and Kathleen and many more friends as my classmates. Trecia reminded me on Sunday night (2nd week of school) that I should swap just before Monday and I was pretty amused that I mislooked my timetable. I was really glad for her idea and wanted to swap so badly now, but then, Pharmacy students were told that during orientation that class swaps can only be done in the 1st week of semester and they wont entertain any request in the 2nd week of semester. Oh well, Trecia encouraged me to email the Biochemical Pharmacology Unit Coordinator just to try and see what happends. So, I did, and here's the content of the email :

From View message header detail ")'>Er Win Lee
Sent Monday, August 3, 2009 0:03 am
To Liesl Blott (Biochem Pharmacology Unit Coordinator for 2 weeks)
Subject Class change


First, I would like to apologize for the late email. I am a 2nd year Pharmacy student and I would like to discuss about class switching for Biochemical Pharmacology Tutorial. I was allocated in the Tuesday's slot (10am-12pm) (400.305). I would like to change to the Monday's slot (10am-12pm) (400.249). As a result, I'll not have to attend any classes on Tuesday and this eases my travelling to Curtin University. I really hope you would look into this matter because Biochemical Pharmacology tutorial for week 2 is just an assignment briefing and I wish I could swtich and attend my desired time slot in week 3. By the way, is it also possible for me to attend the monday slot in week 2 straight away ? (I'll read your reply on early Monday Morning so I could go for that
class at 10am)

Name: Er Win Lee (94)
ID: 13937379

Sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you so much.

Er Win Lee

Back to the story:

Before sending the email, I prayed really hard for a
MIRACLE to happend. I know its not gonna be easy for them to reshuffle the students list in tutorial and labs classes because the semester is gonna really start during the 2nd week of Uni. But, when I was praying, God spoke to me, Erwin, pray persistenly and have faith in me, I'll make a miracle for you to see and also to prove that I am a God of Miracles.

*Beats the microphone and tested the mic by singing MJ's "BEAT IT"*
*Glares at the PA TEAM*
Erwin: "JON GOH AND LULU ! What on earth are u guys doing ?! What happened to the microphone ! No battery already ! How can I continue my story ?!" (Just illustration, not real)

Oh dear, these 2 lazy pigs are snoring loudly cuz they had to wake up early for church and set up the PA system! My goodness ! I cant continue talking, will wake them up and lecture them and then I'll only continue ! DONT GO AWAY, stay tuned dear tuan-tuan dan puan-puan (ladies and gentlemen) (Just illustration, not real)


p/s: Lame Enough ?

-erwin lee-
Read my blogs at:
5/8/09 1.05am